We have our marching orders- a message from Mark Stuart

I emailed Mark Stuart to find out if we can actually get a ship docked in Jacmel. We’ve been working to get NGO’s to focus on Jacmel Haiti.

This is Marks’ response.

yes. I met with the mayor tonight. The port can be used, cruise ships can come in there. We need help bad here is the city. What kind of supplies are on the boat? How fast can they get here? We are starting to feel people get frustrated and scared and that usually predicates looting and riots as you know. Also…we are donating money to the city of jacmel. The mayor said we were the only ones that have helped at all. Its crazy…I told him we could give 10k tomorrow and he almost cried. He is doing everything himself on his credit card. The mayor has the infrastructure and connections to get major things done if we can help rent equipment and buy food/supplies . But the city has no money. There are big machines here just sitting because the money is gone. If your organization can raise money for jacmel we can get it to best people to help the most pressing needs. There are dead bodies in the rubble and maybe one small front loader doing everything. Sad.

We know what we need to raise money for. Conduit Nation we need your help. 100% of the money you’re sending is going to Jacmel Haiti. Please prayerfully consider donating.

2 thoughts on “We have our marching orders- a message from Mark Stuart

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